Baby Booties Story #101
If only I would of listened to the small voice crying out on the inside of me, if only I could of been strong enough to say no, I should of learned from the first and second time. “Woulda, coulda, shoulda” I had 3 abortions and thought it was the easy way out until I surrendered my life to Jesus and He showed me the destruction those abortions caused. I pray these baby booties will be a message to you or someone you know, how precious life is and a gift it will be when it may not seem to be in the moment. You don’t have to have a “woulda, coulda, shoulda” story! God can do great and mighty things through life’s hardships. If this does not pertain to you, maybe you know someone that it does and can pass along. I pray this is a blessing to you!
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These booties were made with love by the “Yarns of Blessings” Grace Covenant Ladies!